2000 hens NEED homes!

2000 hens NEED homes!
Please SHARE our post!
Our farm team will be collecting these over 2 dates (3rd & 10th October) and have lots of spare capacity at several collection points around the country.
We hope these can be rehomed very quickly with your help sharing our post 🙂
The map below shows the locations with spare van space.
If you can offer these lovely girls a retirement they deserve please visit our website www.freshstartforhens.co.uk to complete a registration form with the October date if you are ready to rehome them.
To help our small reservations team please send your photos to adminteam@freshstartforhens.co.uk and include your collection point and the collection date you would like.
Donations can be made by clicking on the “donate” button on the website.
Did you know we have over 100 collection points and are planning our next 4 rehome dates before Christmas and our duck date will be launched tomorrow 😉
You can register on the website for any of our collection points and the team will be in contact once reservations are open.

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