If you have reserved with us for any of our upcoming dates, we WILL be emailing you, but have a small team and a lot of reservations, so please be patient and wait to hear from us. Your quick response will be helpful.
28th March
The hens on this farm will be collected as planned as it has been too short notice for the farmer to make alternative arrangements.
We have taken advice from the Government and as this is an animal welfare issue, we have been given the green light to continue. We will be employing enhanced personal protection equipment and zero contact policies in place at all our collection points, which we will ask you to respect
Some of our volunteers are classed as vulnerable, so these collection points will not be opening – you have been sent an email offering an alternative collection point. Where alternative collection points are not suitable or accessible, we will refund you.
PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAIL AND RESPOND ASAP. We have limited capacity on the vans and at the collection points, and can only deal with these on a first come first served basis.
4th April
Thankfully the farmer for this date is able to hold onto the hens, so you will be offered an alternative collection point for this coming weekend, 28th March, (where possible) or a refund. Your reservation will be added to our waiting lists and we will contact you with the next available date.
The key message is, these hens are safe
PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAIL AND RESPOND ASAP. We have limited capacity on the vans and at the collection points, and can only deal with these on a first come first served basis.
18th April
This date is outside the current Government 3 week legislation. As you know, the situation changes almost daily, but where we can, you will be offered hens to collect this coming weekend, 28th March. Otherwise, please wait for an email from us, hopefully by Monday.
Sorry, a lot of information all at once, but we want to be upfront with you and clear on all points
Please keep yourselves safe and well